- Ash & District Horticultural and Cottage Gardeners Society
- Cambridge Natural History Society
- Kent Bat Group
- Kent Reptile & Amphibian Club
- Kent Wildlife Trust
- Monkton Nature Reserve
- Powell Cotton Museum
- Saltwood Village Society
- Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory
- Surrey Bat Group
- University of the Third Age
-I have over 40 talk titles, including: –
- The weird and wonderful world of pollination – A talk that introduces the subject of pollination, including the issue of food security and the value that ‘free’ pollination services offer to us
- What have bats ever done for us? – An exploration of the role of bats in the ecosystem, including their contribution to pollination, seed dispersal and ‘pest’ control
- The plight of the humble bee – The loss of bee numbers and diversity is a growing problem; this talk examines the reasons behind the decline of these vital insects
- The little things that run the Earth – Invertebrates are amongst the most numerous organisms on earth; this talk looks at the varied and important roles that they play in our environment
- Conservation: think global, act local – With the planet facing numerous environmental problems, from climate change to plastic pollution, this talk explores how small actions on an individual and local scale can make a contribution to global conservation
- The birds of Kirindy Forest – The dry deciduous forests of western Madagascar harbour a range of birds not found outside this fascinating island
- Madagascar: enchanted isle – A general talk on the natural history of Madagascar with examples from several habitats spanning the whole island
- The primates of Uganda – Uganda is home to a wide range of primates, from the fabled mountain gorillas to the shy and elusive potto; this talk focuses on Kibale Forest which holds the highest density of primates in the world
- Plants have feelings too! We tend to think of the ‘five senses’ as animal, or more likely, human properties. This talk introduces some of the extraordinary ways in which plants respond to the environment, involving some surprising parallels with our own experiences
- Reptiles and amphibians of Amani Nature Reserve – The rarely visited East Usambaras form part of the Eastern Arc Mountains that span Tanzania and Kenya; these isolated blocks of forested highlands are home to a stunning frog and chameleon fauna
- The orchids of Kent – The county of Kent is one of the best parts of Britain to find these beautiful and often spectacular flowers. This talk introduces some of the 28 species; what to look for and where and when to find them
- What’s in a name? – An exploration of some of the unusual names of British wildlife and the stories behind them
Please contact for a full list of talks
Nuttman, C.V. (2003) The effects of insect visitation on floral colour change. PhD thesis. University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
Nuttman, C.V. & Willmer P.G. (2003) How does insect visitation trigger floral colour change? Ecological Entomology 28:467-474.
Nuttman, C.V., Semida F.M., Zalat S. & Willmer P.G. (2004) Visual cues and foraging choices: bee visits to floral colour phases in Alkanna orientalis (Boraginaceae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 87:427-435.
Metcalfe, D.J., Cuni Sanchez, A., Curran, P.M., Haga, J.Å.R., Kija, H.K., Kleynhans, E.J., Kopp, M., Korogone, S.U., Madindou, I.R., Minlend, A., Ndagijimana, F., Ndlovu, T.C., Acheampong, E.N., Nuttman, C., Olsson, K.H., Rahrinjanahary, D., Razafimanahaka, H.J., Razafindramanana, J., Rykowska, Z., Sachdev, R., Simpson, L & Trevelyan, R (2007) Distribution and population structure of Adansonia rubrostipa in dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar. African Journal of Ecology 45:464-468.
Trevelyan, R. & Nuttman, C. (2008) The importance of training national and international; scientists for conservation research. In, Science and Conservation in African Forests: The Benefits of Long- term Research. Ed: R. Wrangham & E. Ross. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Nuttman, C. & Willmer, P. (2008) Hoverfly visitation in relation to floral colour change (Diptera: Syrphidae). Entomologia Generalis 31:33-47.
Willmer, P., Stanley D.A., Steijven K., Matthews I.M. & Nuttman C.V. (2009) Bidirectional Flower Color and Shape Changes Allow a Second Opportunity for Pollination. Current Biology 19:919-923.
Willmer, P.G., Nuttman C.V., Raine N.E., Stone G.N., Pattrick J.G., Henson K., Stillman P., McIlroy L., Potts S.G. & Knudsen J.T. (2009) Floral volatiles controlling ant behaviour. Functional Ecology 23:888-900.
Waser, N.M., Price, M.V., Alele, P., Baranyovits, A., Corcoran, C., Djagoun, C.A.M.S., Djomo Nana, E., Jonker, M., Koch, H., Marialva, M.P., Mateus, A.R.A., Musvuugwa, T., Mwema, M., Mwololo, M., Nuttman, C., Percival, G., Rakotonoely, H., Ramamonjisoa, N., Verissimo, N., Voillemot, M. & Zingfa Wala, J. (2010) A preliminary early-season flower-visitation web for the Kirindy Forest, Madagascar. Journal of Pollination Ecology 2:1-6.
Starnberger, I., Kamminga, P., Fosah, V.C. & Nuttman, C. (2011) The ‘push-up’ as a calling posture in Nectophrynoides tornieri (Anura: Bufonidae) in the Amani Nature Reserve, Tanzania. Herpetologica 67:124-134.
Nuttman, C.V., Otieno M., Kwapong P.K., Combey R., Willmer P. & Potts S.G. (2011) The utility of aerial pan-trapping for assessing insect pollinators across vertical strata. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 84:260-270.
Djagoun, C.A.M.S., Akpona, H.A., Guy. A. Mensah, G.A., Nuttman, C. & Sinsin, B. (2012) Wild Mammals Trade for Zootherapeutic and Mythic Purposes in Benin (West Africa): Capitalizing Species Involved, Provision Sources, and Implications for Conservation. In, Animals in Traditional Folk Medicine. Eds. R.R.N Alves & I.L Rosa. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidlberg, Germany. Ch. 17, 367-381.
Norfolk, O., Lotha, L.S., Broughton, B., Otieno, M., & Nuttman, C. (2012) Tea breaks: how flower-visitors can benefit from un-planned floral buffer-strips in a Tanzanian tea plantation. African Journal of Ecology 51:380-384.
Ollerton, J. & Nuttman, C. (2013) Aggressive displacement of Xylocopa nigrita carpenter bees from flowers of Lagenaria sphaerica (Cucurbitaceae) by territorial male Eastern Olive Sunbirds (Cyanomitra olivacea) in Tanzania. Journal of Pollination Ecology 11:21-26.
Waser, N.M, Price, M.V. Mbwambo, J.R., Adu Boahene, F., Akemien, N.N., Chateya, R.J., Chauke, J., Dahm, M., Gba B.C., Goudegnon, E.O.A., Johnson, C., Karanja, H., Kerr, N., Maajabu, J., Mangold, A., Manzini, S., Mosimann, C., Mukundwa, D., Muthama, A., Nuttman, C., Nilsson, L., Nyombi, H., Odé, E., Odera, G.J., Oliveira, F., Pallangyo, J.Y., Rajabu, I., Schoenenberger, A-K., Tuczapski, P.T. & van Dalen, T.J.P. (2014) Effects of removing other trees on population structure of the Tanzanian rainforest endemic Cephalosphaera usambarensis. Tanzania Journal of Forestry & Nature Conservation 82:42-47.
Nuttman, C. (2015) Conservation in Madagascar. Conservation Biology 29:1490-1492.
Daru, B.H., Yessoufou, K., Nuttman, C. & Abalaka, J. (2015) Characteristics of bird-Ficus interactions: A preliminary study from Amurum Forest Reserve, Nigeria. Malimbus 37:1-15.
Nuttman, C. (2016) Bat-Plant Associations. Bat News 110: 6-7. Bat Conservation Trust. ISSN 0269 8501.
Quintero, E., Genzoni, E., Mann, N., Nuttman, C. & Anderson, B. (2016) Sunbird surprise: Testing the usefulness of the syndrome concept. Flora 232:22-29.
Stanley, D., Otieno, M., Steijven, K., Berlin, E.S., Piiroinen, T., Willmer, P. & Nuttman, C. (2016) Pollination ecology of Desmodium setigerum (Fabaceae) in Uganda, and the impact of visitor size on pollination effectiveness. Journal of Pollination Ecology 19:43-49.
Fisher, D., Macleod, A., Melgar, J. & Nuttman, C. (2017) Determinants of contests in female Ugandan ground nesting bees (Tetralonia sp. nov.). African Entomology 25:319-327.